Miniature Chickens, Bantams, Breeding and Feeding

Please find detailed chicken facts. The areas covered are bantams, the miniature chickens, different types of chicken, breeding and feeding chickens.

Terms Used


Miniature Chickens are typically about ¼ to 1/5 the weight of their larger equivalents, where these exist. Miniature chickens have larger out of proportion wings, tail, head and feathers than their weight would suggest, but still appear to be miniature in size. It has been suggested that they may have originated from the Orient, although this is disputed by historians.
Bantams have risen in popularity greatly. There are many different types of Bantums with many variations in colour and pattern. Whilst some Bantums exhibit types and colours identical to their larger counterparts, some are completely unique, for example Rosecombs and Sebrights.


Used to describe the overall look, shape and attitude etc . . . of the bird and often the phrase true to type covers indescribable differences only known by the breeder and ‘poultry fancy’ . . . if in doubt, as in dogs buy from the breeder.

Breeding Pair/Trio

Should be a male and the appropriate number of females. But beware, a pair can legally be two boys . . . so ask. Genuine mistakes should be rectified.

Pullet / Point of Lay

Female birds in their first season . . . a bird can be sold as point of lay from 12 weeks although they start to lay around 23 weeks. If in doubt . . . ask.


Most birds are foragers and prefer a range of foods .It is worth changing the foods occasionally normally by adding bowls of alternatives rather than by abrupt change. They like the addition of household scraps and are particularly fond of salty items such as bacon rind . . . chickens need salt or turn cannibalistic to get it / waterfowl find salt poisonous in quantity.